Wilhelms Wharf, Berlin
52.31.21N 13.23.13E
Harvesting aquaculture from the fertile waters of Brandenburg and wider continental region, Berlin is at the heart of a rich network of waterways that have a vast untapped potential. Responsive to the harvesting of its waters, the needs of Berliners can be fed sustainably by an unlimited supply of fresh, healthy food. Harvested farm stock is stored in tanks in a state of hibernation and transported by barge from the farms to a central fish market at Wilhelms Wharf. The stock is then euthanised humanely using anesthetic and brought to market as fresh as possible.
In the built environment of Berlin, we find restraint in a framework of legislative limits; within, we predict and nurture the growth of a city. The limits of growth are scarcity and need; scarcity is dissolved through diversity, need is eliminated through sustainability. This project is an exercise in nourishing a city as Wilhelms Wharf aims to connect with a Berlin which matures with a sense of restraint.
Berlin is a hard city of statistics, facts and legislations; Berlin is a soft city of experience, myth and aspirations.
Both are ideals; both are constantly growing.
The limits of growth are imagination and fear.