Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Fraser McQuade

Fraser McQuade
Architecture 3rd Year


Inspiration is drawn from the period of the industrial revolution; a time of significant importance during Dundee's history.

The production and distribution of jute within the old city provided metaphorical connections between the location of mill and factory buildings in land, and the presently filled in harbor which falls across the given site. These connections, projected as straight lines, gave an initial concept from which a masterplan of Dundee's waterfront was developed.

In the form of the museum itself; regimented and frank structural solutions create volumes (interior and exterior) whose atmospheres are intensified by the stark, honest materiality (largely concrete, exposed steel and wired glass) which emulates that used in historical industrial architecture.

The interior gallery spaces are individualized by the application of texture to their raw concrete walls, each texture speaking of the subject of its exhibition.

Gerald Smith

Gerry Smith (MFA Intermedia Art)
Transparentes Meer
This Line Is Six Feet Long

I am interested in reductive forms and have recently been working on my own variant of punctuation poetry. The poems on show are composed of the symbols used to indicate the emphasis placed on syllables.

Transparentes Meer (transparent sea) is an alexandrine; a poetic line six feet in length - in this case 6 dibrachs, which are metrical feet of 2 unstressed syllables (??). It is also a concrete poem, the 12 breves constituting the wavy line of this transparent sea.

This Line Is Six Feet Long is another alexandrine. It is composed of 6 spondee (--), which are metrical units of 2 stressed syllables.

Val McLean

Val McLean
Intermedia BA (Hons)

No beginning and no end - July 2010
I've just completed my degree in Intermedia Art at Edinburgh College of Art and I am intending to go on to study at postgraduate level.

I work with contemporary materials and objects to explore the nature of perception, boundaries, reality and space. I work in the territory that lies between conventionally accepted binary oppositions such as order/chaos, sense/nonsense, presence/absence and inside/outside. In so doing I explore ways of moving beyond these rigid categories by seeking instead a 'logic of both'.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Geri Loup-Nolan

Geri Loup-Nolan
Painting BA(Hons)

Recently I have opened up my main practice in drawing and painting to include installation work. This has enabled eclectic displays that provoke open narratives about memory and identity from within a dynamic framework of time and place. My work uses objects and materials that directly reference domestic, artistic and commercial cultures to explore relationships between painting, literature, printing, architecture and poetry. A loose storytelling process, which unifies the fragmented towards a coherent documentary style.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Owen Ramsay

Owen Ramsay

Intermedia 2nd Year

My love for the wild runs in my blood as in my work. I am interested in adventure and beauty; in search of the sublime. To me Bleak is Beautiful.

The idea of an experience and having a relationship with a place or environment is important in my work. It can be nostalgic; back to childhood adventures in a kind of escapism of maturity,civility and the banal rules of the everyday. In some sense to become feral is to become free. I often find myself trying to describe or copy something, something i cannot describe or put my finger on, it is an emotion brought on by a place or an experience of the outdoors. I am beguiled by this unreachable thing, this something beyond ourselves much greater.

Alastair Cook

Alastair Cook | Artist

MSc Architectural Conservation, 2nd Year

Alastair work focuses primarily on positive responses to key global social, cultural and environmental issues: he is interested in the moment. Alastair recently spent time among the communities of Sutherland and Caithness; the resulting landscapes open discussion on the brutal effect of human habitation in a stripped, stark and difficult land. His current

solo show, The Land and the Sea, is at The Drill Hall in Dalmeny Street, until 14th August.


The WOT proudly presents Assemble, an exhibition of six current students and graduates from Edinburgh College of Art.

George IV Bridge/Victoria Street, Edinburgh
5th of August - 1st September

Alastair Cook
Geri Loup-Nolan
Val McLean
Fraser McQuade
Owen Ramsay
Gerald Smith

Curated by Becky Campbell and Faith Limbrick